Friday, December 10, 2010

I don't even know where to begin...

So, new rule. I can't go as long as 7 weeks without posting something new, because otherwise there is just too much to talk about. I like to keep these manageable, but this will be full of some random things.

First, my projects: Things are and will be picking up after the New Year here. I've bee scanning thousands of pictures from sporting events in the early 90's in the National Archives to put on the website. Also, a committee will be established in the office that will be dealing with the actual content and layout of it. In addition to this I want to hold a training seminar in the next 6 months or so for all the coaches that teaches them how to incorporate life skills training with their time with the kids. Other items on the agenda include designing an e-newsletter, observing some sports practices, and I also must get over to the Save Our Sons residential home in Sandy Point. I hear they could use some serious assistance.

And now, some random pictures:

I pass this sign almost every day on my way to the gym. This is my favorite thing to see every day, I'm not sure why. 

Now, I know calf meat is called veal. But what about piglet meat? Can we call it "baby bacon?" 

This is a high school football game. The kids in blue are from Saddlers Secondary (my school), while the white is Washington Archibald High School. This field is pretty much right across the street from my apartment. I love my neighborhood. 

Black Rocks, cooled lava flows about 1 km from my place. 

There is a pool of water by the shoreline
arms wide open, trying to keep
every last droplet of water
within her grasp
but the children slip through her fingers
as she squeezes tighter, gasping for help.
Were it not for the waves
she would be a bone-dry exoskeleton
imagining herself immortal,
she greets each new crash 
with a smile
But the replenishing soul of the water
will grind her to dust 
in time
and yet
she knows otherwise. 

This is not all there is to be told, but I'll write again sooner than 7 weeks from now. I promise.